Minggu, 08 September 2013

September 04, 2013

Aranx’s Birthday on Friday!

Angels know how to celebrate!

I bet you’re wondering what Beleen does on a daily basis. Besides tormenting poor Artix with an endless onslaught of pink shenanigans, I help write quests, storylines, cutscene scripts, item descriptions, the weekly newsletter, design notes, Facebook updates, random Twitter tweets, the Artix weekly write-up, and item uploads (setting them up, uploading, testing, re-uploading, testing some more, finding bugs...trying to squash bugs...having Alina squash the bugs for me...and getting the files ready for Friday night).
And today I had the pleasure of uploading Aranx’s birthday items into our database (and of COURSE I had to share them with you)!
Descended Amadis Aranx birthday
I uploaded, tested, named, and described 9 of Aranx’s Birthday Items ascending from the heavens this Friday night for his special day. Above you will see the Descended Amadis Armor, equipped with color custom Descended Amadis Wings and the Tousled Archangel Hair (helm).
Descended Amadis Aranx birthday
If you wish to follow a darker route, check out the above armor. He’s wearing the Fallen Amadis Armor, the Scar of the Fallen Amadis helm, and the massive Fallen Amadis Annex wings.
And here’s a few more birthday presents Aranx has for you.
More Aranx birthday presents
…oh how I wish Aranx would have a birthday every week!
But this weekend we can all enjoy Aranx’s birthday. Yippie!

BY MODERATOR: Heski12 (http://www.aq.com/aw-character.asp?id=heski12)

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